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Sat, 6 Jan 2001 22:37:19 -0500
KiSta Ferret Shelter <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Hello Everyone,
I apologize for being away from the computer and not updating sooner, but
I've been struck with this flu that is making its rounds.
The ferrets were all spayed or neutered (except for Bubbles, who is too
far along in her pregnancy) last Thursday at the Maywood Animal Hospital.
Thanks to the doctor and staff who stayed after hours to accommodate us, as
well as Lisa who went with me, and Yvonne DeCarlo and Donna who assisted
the doctors and us with pre-surgical prep, ear cleanings, and nail
trimming.  All the ferrets all did great, and are all recovering nicely.
Except for the fact that I've passed this bug to them.  About 4 of them now
are sneezing and acting sick.  I expect it to make the rounds through the
whole kennel, and I'm not looking forward to that.  The last thing these
poor ferrets need is more troubles, they've already been through so much.
I feel so guilty and horrible for passing it on to them.  I have a vet
appointment at my vets on Tuesday to have my ferret Fetie neutered, and any
of the ferrets who need treatment beyond the normal stuff will go along
with him for checkups.
Thank you so much to everyone who has written, called and sent donations
and supplies.  I am in the process of writing thank you cards, but due to
being sick, I'm falling behind on that as well as everything else.  But,
they will get there, I promise that.
On a happier note, 2 of our existing shelter ferrets, Bindi and Peperidge
went home today (they were being fostered at Lisa's and were not exposed to
my flu), and Simi met his new mom.  She'll pick him up after he is feeling
better.  Lisa and Ernie from Ferret Haven by-the-sea drove up and picked up
3 of the new kids that were not showing any symptoms of being sick, and
took them to their place in Virginia, as well as delivering a care package
of food, bedding, treats and distemper vaccinations for the ferrets, and
even liquid refreshment for me. :)
The kind emails, phone calls and visits have really been amazing.  Thank
you everyone for helping these ferrets get the love and care they really
deserve.  There is no way I could have done this without all your help.
Thank you all so much.
KiSta Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3290]