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Fri, 29 Dec 2000 09:03:10 -0700
James and Cindi Darr <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
I have a geriatric ferret diagnosed with adrenal disese.  He is lethargic,
but seems age related as well as disease related.  He is balding, but the
fur seems to be attempting to grow back.  His appetite is great.
His life span is near its end and we have so far opted not to subject him
to surgery.  Are there any alternative treatments?  Anything to help him?
What about phototherapy?
If this is caused by premature neutering, is this practice being stopped?
Barry the ferret is much loved and will be much missed by us.
We have another ferret, Brandy, age two, who is completely blind.  She will
miss Barry when he is gone.  I would be willing to adopt another blind
ferret as her partner if anyone in Phoenix, Az.  is interested.  Contact
me for a phone number.
We also have a handicapped cat, Henry, who is an amputee.  (He can outrun
me, however!) Barry the ferret loves to nibble his ears and ride his back
like a pony.  Henry objects and yowls vigorously.
We have an older cat who is arthritic.  Any suggestions for pain relief?  I
have rubbed his joints with liquid DMSO, available here, and it seems to
help him.  Can I give him a baby aspirin safely?
Thanks for any positive input you may have.
Phoenix, Arizona
[Posted in FML issue 3282]