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Sun, 24 Dec 2000 08:59:55 -0600
text/plain (39 lines)
Okay... I have to share what silly little Joe's been up to this morning.
For this tale to make sense you must understand that Joe has issues with
stuffed toys and draperies.  Everyone know that stuffed toys and hair
scrunchies live under the draperies.  Of course.  Where else would they
live?  And ever patient Joe very methodically puts them all back when
Someone moves them for cleaning/vacuuming purposes.  (When Someone really
wants to mess with Joe, she throws them all back to the center of the room
and laughs as he hurries to put them back.  In their particular order of
importance!  This, of course, is accompanied with heavy, dramatic sighs.
Why would Someone want to mess with the Order of the Universe anyway?
Joe wonders.  Silly humans...) At any rate, Joe has some serious drapery
Santa sent us an early gift this year in the form of a Weasel Ball ( you
know, the ball with an off balance motor inside and a stuffed weasel tail
dangling from one side.  It will very merrily roll itself around the house
humming quietly.) It took Joe a while to get the hang of the Weasel Ball.
He tried chasing it for a while, but that was terribly tiring and Joe is
a big, fat fuzzie.  He finally learned to just sit on the tail part and
the ball would be anchored if not still.  Today Joe made the connection
that the tail is a Stuffed Toy.  And we all know that
Stuffed-Toys-Live-Under-the-Draperies.  So off it went, into the stash.
Except Egads!  the darn thing rolled right back out again!  Ever patient
Joe put it back where all good toys belong, into the draperies.  No sooner
than his back was turned did the sneaky little thing escape again!  What's
a weasel to do?  The "sit and pin" method and another attempt at stash.
Except this time poor Joe had grabbed the point between the tail and ball.
Not only is the ball heavy, but it's moving.  Poor little Joe was walking
in circles trying to control his wayward and enthusiastic toy.  After a
futile attempt to take it up the stairs to the bedroom curtains, poor Joe
finally gave up.  Some toys just never understand the Importance of Order,
I guess.
Have a great Christmas Y'all!
Miesa, Joe and Bear
[Posted in FML issue 3277]