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Tue, 12 Dec 2000 12:37:32 -0500
Marion Houle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Hello to everyone!
It has been a long time since I have posted, and although I do read the
FML everyday, I hope everyone is doing well, and all their fuzzies are
I have a bit of a dilemma, and I am hoping some of you can help me.  Dr.
Williams, if you have any information as well, that would be wonderful.
I do have a very experienced ferret vet (he can do right adrenalectomies
like a charm ... LOL), but any information I gather I am hoping can help
I am co-manager of a shelter, and I keep some at my place, and the other
woman keeps some at her place.  About 3 weeks ago one of the ferrets -
Harley - had really bad diarreha and was vomiting, I brought him into
the vet and after a two day stay it was determined that he had coccidia.
(For those of you who don't know what it is - an intestinal parasite
that is - are you ready ?  - CONTAGIOUS!!!  So, he went into isolation
for 14 days, while he was on his meds.  He was fine after a couple of days,
but I kept him in isolation, etc... cleaning his room with bleach, then
dish soap, then oxy-clean and then straight water twice - just to make
sure everything was disinfected.  I also cleaned my entire place like
this before he got back home.  Luckily, none of my other fuzzies (9 others)
came down with it.
However, it is now a week later, and Harley is showing the same symptoms.
I am bringing him into the vet in a couple of hours.  I was wondering if
anyone knows more information on coccidia - have they ever run into this
kind of situation?  Is there something that I am missing?  I also have two
cats and their litter box is scooped twice daily, and cleaned thoroughly
every 3rd day (bleached, dish soap, water, the whole she-bang).  Their food
and water bowls are cleaned daily, their litter boxes are scooped daily
(sometimes twice) and washed thoroughly every 2nd or third day.  Their
blankets are changed twice a week, and their toys are watched every two
weeks.  I am at a complete loss as to how he "got it back" when he was
in isolation, he had his meds, etc.... and my place is being cleaned and
disinfected on a very regular basis.  I also vaccuum and wash my floors
every day.
I look forward to reading your responses, if you could please email me
privately.  Thank you,
[Posted in FML issue 3265]