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Mon, 27 Nov 2000 02:48:54 -0500
steve austin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
I usually reply to people privately that ask for advice that the FML has
addressed, but this time it was from an anonymous post.  To the person
asking about minimizing ferret odor because they are not allowed in her
apartment where cats are- I am assuming in a "no-ferret zone".
This is where I get to thank all of the great people giving advice on the
FML and from the great links provided.  I had an odor problem until this
year- I can say I don't notice it anymore.  What pet owner does?
But seriously I can pick up my fuzzies- take a big whiff and smell very
little -and definitely nothing offensive.  The main thing I did was stop
bathing them!!  I may bath them every few months as needed.  I now clean
the litter boxes twice a day when I can, wash all bedding, throws, once
weekly - o.k. sometimes once every two weeks.  I also have removed carpet
and put down linoleum for easy clean up of "mistakes" in the room- have a
throw rug, but for now they only make mistakes in certain corners.  I would
suggest not giving free roam- once they mark an area- it may be impossible
to get rid of the odor without removing carpet,padding- heck probably just
the whole damn floor!  (I might be exaggerating here)  I also have an air
purifier running and one of those air fresheners high up on a shelf.  A fan
runs in the warm weather.  Well, the best way to tell if you are successful
is to have an unbiased person walk into the apartment, take a big whiff and
give their opinion.
Hope this helps.
p.s.  for the person with the older ferret on Duck soup and smell to the
breathe-it may be the food, but I am wondering about other problems- in
diabetics with acidosis they have a sweet acetone breathe, in those with
renal failure there is also a smell to the breathe, with liver failure
and high ammonia even a different smell.  Of course, these are sick
people/fuzzies.  I may be wrong- but I know Dr. Williams will clarify this.
[Posted in FML issue 3250]