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Wed, 8 Nov 2000 12:18:14 EST
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The Sandee posts are not to my taste, nor to they speak to my spiritual
beliefs (or lack thereof), so I skip them, no harm done to anyone.  I've
been on the FML for about 6 years (under various email addresses), and
these things come and go.  However, I felt the whole thing placed me in a
quandary when Cully passed away.  I wanted to share news of his passing
with the people who I knew would understand, but in my beliefs it would
have been wrong to have him used in one of the Sandee posts.  So in the
email I sent about Cully, I had to include a caveat about not including
him in any rainbow bridge-type posts, which was a little painful to have to
even mention.  I can certainly see that Sandee provides a valuable service
to the people who want it-- I would just ask that those who want it,
ask for it in their posts, and that Sandee (and others) not assume that
everybody wants it and include every ferret who has passed on.  That way
we all respect each other :)
absolutely no disrespect was meant to anybody in this post.
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
       The walls and the ceiling are painted in blood
       The lights go down, the red curtains come apart
    The room is full of smoke and dialogue I know by heart
          And the coins in my pocket jingle-jangle
[Posted in FML issue 3231]