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Sun, 29 Oct 2000 01:07:08 -0600
citygirl <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Well I dont know if anyone remembers--but I recently lost both Max and
Baby.  Now Sara--my first rescue ferret has developed a sore that looks
suspiciously like a lump--it has scabbed over though and it doesnt look
like the tumors Max had.  I am taking them to the vet next month for
their annual rabies shots--I think I will miss the distemper ones this
year, as they are all getting old and I am so afraid of the reactions to
the distemper shots.  I dont know quite what to do about Sara--she is
getting up there and my vet as knowledgeable and kind as he is, does not
do much ferret surgery.  I hate to travel to Kansas City to a vet as my
darling DH has not been well and I cant drive in KC--frightens me.  Could
this lump just be an infected hair or something.  I guess I will have my
vet make a diagnosis and then go from there.  I dont want her to suffer
like poor Max did.  I would rather have to go to sleep and go on like Baby
did.  I want to be a good ferret mommy.
Please no flames or sarcastic remarks.  I just cant bear them.  If you dont
have positive things to say please dont say them.  I have seen how many
people here tend to climb all over people who ask questions.  Just reply
personally to my posted email.
[Posted in FML issue 3221]