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Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 08:20:46 EST
text/plain (41 lines)
It doesn't get much better than this:
Every morning at 7:35am, Sean very carefully takes Rocky out of his hammy
in his cage.  He wraps him in his ferret afghan, and walks back to his
chair by the window.  He cradles Rocky like a baby in his arms on his
back, and then delicately rubs him under his chin.  Rocky settles back and
doesn't go back to sleep as he would most other times.  He keeps his eye's
half open, and for good reason.
Sean keeps looking up at the window every few seconds ... waiting.
Meanwhile his little fingers delicately trace Rock's lips, mouth, and face.
He bends over and kisses him on top of his head.  Rocky can't help but
drift off for a few seconds.  Sean begins quietly talking to Rocky, telling
him how pretty he is, how special he is, and little boy secrets.  If you
listen very carefully, you will hear Sean tell Rocky how God made him just
for him, and that they will be forever friends.  Rocky opens his eyes as
Sean kisses him again, but this time on his chocolate outlined nose that
God made for Sean to kiss.
"Here it is Rocky," he says excitedly but stills softly.  Sean's face takes
on a rosy glow as he smiles.  Rocky looks up at the light on Sean's face,
and at the urgency of his voice.  Light begins to glitter in Sean's blue
eyes more and more.  Rocky is oblivious to what is happening outside the
window, but begins curiously sniffing the air trying to pick up what has
his little boy so enthralled.  His eyes perk up, his head rises a bit, and
he keeps searching the little boys face and seems to feel the excitement.
"What kind is it today, Sean," I ask.  "Oh, Mommy today is a good day.
Quick, hurry, come look!  " I walk over and look out the window with them
and I can't help but smile.  "Mommy, today is a special day I think.  See?
It's pink ... it's so pink ... it's white pink and blue pink and special
pink.  Wow." At this point the sunrise seems to fade next to the sight next
to me.  I look down at my special little boy with his special little ferret
and say, "That sure is special.."
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3300]