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kat parsons <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 08:45:35 EST
text/plain (44 lines)
>I'm referring to people like Wolfy, Georgia, Lynn, Sukie, Rebecca - - who
>we can usually count on for well-thought-out opinions and good judgment.
>And yet, their recent posts have been, well, silly.  No, that's not quite
>it, goofy.  Daffy.  Dippy.  Umm, foolish.  Nonsense-ridden.  Frankly,
>they've been downright ferrety.  These usually sober citizens...
oh dear!!!, Sharin...i fear you do not know our "Wolfy" at all!!!!...your
notation above..."Nonsense-ridden"...now THAT is Wolfy!!!...;-)  "Sober"...
no...that is not a word i would ever associate with Wolfy... nope...not
ever...not saying she DRINKS...but she has found a way...maybe it is too
much "breathing in ferret"?...who knows...but sober she is NOT!
>have been posting messages that, if they had legs
they do not have LEGS????...that puts a whole new slant on the little red
wagon!!!...Wolfy must not be pulling it behind her!!!...she must be sitting
in it and pushing it along with her arms!!!...i can see the Depends falling
out of it now to make room for her!!!
Georgia does not have legs either???...no wonder she is going to such
lengths...getting these poor ferrets to do all this for them!!!...no
WONDER Kouri is so busy!!!!
oh dear...maybe my friends are in worse shape than i thought!!!
ok..now do i just put this down to "ferrety nonsense"?..or rush to my
friends' aid????
oh dear!!!...what do i do?????
a seriously worried...
KITY= .. =KAT... ( a.k.a. ...FuzzieMom ) and the krew of "14 plus 3"
Rascal, Sassy, Wolfie, Monkey(Shine), Meeja, Narmy, PopPye, Noodles,
Sandi-Mandi, Hope-HollyHeart, Edison!, Lucky, Princess Cissy, and Uh-Oh!!!!
with Jack, Sassy, and Angel...staying for a while..:)
And holding "Bear" and "Geezer" close in my Heart...
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, OldGuy, and the big
gest piece of my heart, Charlie!  The Ferrets' Pages...
[Posted in FML issue 3299]