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Wed, 24 Jan 2001 13:32:35 -0600
text/plain (80 lines)
>From:    Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
>Micaela (by the way, I adore your name),
>I found the article you posted about on the net.  Thanks for the pointer.
>Thanks for letting this not go by unnoticed.  I have never gotten so upset
>over something like that, that I got physically ill that morning.
I almost didn't post it because I have such a terrible mental picture when
I think about the poor ferrets.  I thought, Do I really want to give the
image I have in my mind to the more than 3000 people on this list?  But
like you say, I could not let it go unnoticed.  And it is my responsibility
to the ferret community (Online) to report this ( to the ferret comm.)
since it happened in my area & it is SUCH a HUGE loss because of
"miscommunication".  I thought that if something could be done someone
here would know how to do it.  Also I thought that we could mourn their
lives lost together.
>I was wondering... I read in the article that it was "normal" for the
>temp to be kept above 32 for the ferrets during travel..... and that it
>got below 32 and that was most of the problem (in their eyes).  Ok so
>my question is... a horrifying one.  Are babys (ferrets) let to be in
>temperatures approaching 32 and they think thats ok???  Because that is
>what I got out of the article.  We all need to know this ya know?
I don't know myself but I would think it would be WAY to cold.  Dr.
Williams?  It is too cold right?
>And were any questions ever answered such as.... who's were they,
A store in Pittsburgh is all it says about the recipients.
>why did they not come check to see why they were delayed, how were so
>many live animals left in that state by which airline was it,
US Airways was the Airline
>has the person come forth yet,
They were "under the impression nobody knew they were there"
>who were they shipped by,
all it says is " the animals were reported shipped on Dec. 18 from the
East Coast and discovered at the Evansville Regional Airport nine days
>and ..... who discovered them,
it says "airport workers discovered the container"
>and finally tried to help any survivors.  sigh ..  lots of questions.
They called the manger of the pet food center & he took the 4 ferrets that
were alive to the vet.  All but one died a short time later.
I called the pet store & asked to talk to the manager.  I told him who I
was & that I had read this article in the paper.  I asked him about the 1
ferret that lived & he simply said that the vet said they could sell "it"
so they did.He was not very friendly or helpful, & gave me the impression
that he didn't want to talk to me about it.  I asked if he had many calls
about this & he said I was the only one.
It does say at the bottom of the article that a company spokesperson said "
Our procedures on handling live animal shipments have been reinforced
throughout the company to ensure a situation like this never happens again"
Though it isn't much consolation for the "at least" 35 fuzzies who died so
young & so terribly.
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[Posted in FML issue 3308]