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Sun, 14 Jan 2001 09:16:54 -0600
Perro Loco <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Dear Fellow Weezul Aficionados,
I have never before posted to this digest but have been a subscriber for a
few years & the level of expertise here leads me to believe that some of
you may have some suggestions.  I am in the happy situation of being owned
by two sweet little girls, Cleopatra & Nefertiti.  Both think they really
are Egyptian Queens and I am but their servant... they're probably right.
Anyway... to the point.  I was recently in Europe for over a month... and
my GF in Danmark wants me to move to Kobenhavn (Copenhagen) & of course,
the "girls" will go too.  Maybe they'll learn to "dook in "Danmarkian?"
I live on the shore of Lake Superior in Northern Wisconsin.  My plan is to
sail my very stout little 6.5 meter boat through the Great Lakes, out the
St. Lawrence Seaway to Nova Scotia, up to Newfoundland, Labrador, cross
over to Grenland, (Greenland) then to Island (Iceland) and the Faroe
Islands and from there to Jutland and through to the Baltic Sea to Danmark.
Because my GF doesn't know anything about ferrets, she is uncomfortable
with having me send them in advance (air freight?)  So... I thought I
would take them on this long voyage with me.  Of course, I would take the
same care with them as other sailors do with cats and kittens aboard.
(leashes, harnesses, maybe little weezul size life vests) Ferrets are
fairly common pets in Norther Europe and are even permitted (leashed) on
trains and ferries.  But... does anyone have any experience sailing with
weezuls?  Cleo (the oldest - about 5-6 <she was "adopted" - so age is my
vet's estimate) recently had a huge, golf ball sized adrenal tumor
removed & radical mastectomies X 6 for multiple encapsulated "breast
tumors"... Nefi has never had any health problems (she's 2 1/2 years old)
Both of my "Egyptian Queens" are good travelers (1000 mile car trips) and
have even day sailed with me before... but they have no experience with an
extended ocean crossing.  Any suggestions or advice will be appreciated...
feel free to respond directly to my e-mail or to this forum.
El Capitan Perro Loco
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.  Inside of a dog, it's to
 dark to read."
[Posted in FML issue 3298]