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Fri, 12 Jan 2001 19:01:18 EST
"Christine Herman-- Ms. Ferret Lover" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
hello all fellow ferret fans-i'am christine - the proud slave of pooky,
arthur, norman ,brody and currently maxi-- and my little human,suzy the
teenage whirlwind--
i started out with my precious girls cookie and baby many years ago-now
they wardance over the rainbow bridge- and will be forever missed- baby was
a rescue that i was given by PETA.  she had been used as a lab experiment
animal and ended up with me- she never grew and was the tiniest thing-
hence the name baby.over the years i became known as the local soft touch ,
and to make it short i have had 35 rescues come and go.  i have never asked
for a dime and take any ferret anytime.three months ago norman and brody
were given to me by a young guy who "' just didn't have the time anymore""
both had been caged for over 2 years.-never uncaged- even while the cage
was being cleaned( not often).brody a beautful sable didn't seem to be in
too bad shape except for being skinny and small-- but poor norman.  his
legs were literally atrophied from non use.  his eyes were infected.  he
had gum ulcers.his coat was very sparse and corse.you could see the bones
in his tail,ribcage and pelvis sticking out.  his stomach was concave.he
had ear mites.i am pretty sure he is deaf.i was told they were fed iams--
but imas what?  it seemed that they were thrown some iams dog food once in
a while.now 3 months later- norman is fat- so fat he waddles, and happy -
dancing and dooking like mad.his once scragly coat is now thick soft and
beautifdul.  his legs are now strong and he climbs everything ( fat as he
is!)..his health is great..i never cage them- they freeroam and i have had
to make the house a fortress to accomodate this- hammering shut bottom
drawers and removing all material from underneath mattresses and such..
i'am sure you all know the deal.  so they have no where to go for nap time
but the hammocks in the ''penthouse" --
miraculously both norman and brody are serious loverboys-so affectionate
with the kisses and they sleep with me.  they don;t mind being carried
around and are not ready to fllee after 60 seconds to better mischief
elsewhere..brody, when you rub behind his ear will fall asleep in any
position..norman actually wags his tail!!--.i have had many ferrets come
and go here and it has been hard to say goodbye to each and everyone-
but i think i will have to keep fat norman and crazy brody as part of my
permanent crew- i just can't say goodbye to them-- now i need a home for
maxi-- a 6 month old cinnamon female-- sweet as sugar!!--
bye all--
[Posted in FML issue 3296]