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Sun, 17 Dec 2000 21:32:56 -0500
"Bruce Williams, DVM" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Dear Danielle:
>We picked Dopey up this morning, and he looks so awful!  His entire rear
>is swollen and badly bruised (looks like a truck hit him...(This vet) is
>the most ferret-knowledgeable vet I have dealt with in Washington (that
>number includes four others).  I am freaking out over this and fear that
>Dopey will never be the same and that he is "damaged" internally.
No, Dopey will not be damaged internally.  Providing that the surgery
completely removed the rest of the gland - he should be just fine.  Yes,
thre may be a bit of damage in the muscle, but it'll heal just fine.  You
don't enter the abdomen when doing this surgery, so there is very little
important stuff to hit back there,  Yes, they do look like hell and are a
bit paiful when they poop for a few days, but he'll be back to normal in
no time.
AFter this, you should keep an eye on the area for a couple of weeks,
and then every once in a while - check out the area.  If you are still
unsuccessful in removing the gland - the secretion will eventually get to
the surface - it'll rupture through the muscle and skin and form a draining
tract.  (I know, one of my Marshall's ferrets dealt with this her whole
life - three surgeries and we never did find the sac remnant.  But you
did it the right way - don't delay - go right back in before two much
inflammation and scar tissue builds up.
>Yes, this is my fault, I NEVER should have had this done to him and it
>probably would have been better to just find another home for him where
>the spouse is more tolerant of ferret poofing.  I AM TAKING FULL
>RESPONSIBILITY for this.  I have been crying all day over this decision
>and what I have caused my little guy, who is so sweet.  I will never
>forgive myself for this.
Everyone makes mistakes.  You can't continually beat yourself up, just
learn from it.  I am hopeful that your husband feels poorly too, as it
was actually his intolerance that started this cascase of events.
>I like my vet, he is very caring and I "grilled him" over ferret stuff -
>he knows it well.  This was simply a mistake and he freely admits to it.
>He has not charged me for any of this extended care and visits.  He has
>apologized profusely and has stated that he hopes this does not change
>my opinion of his abilities.
I think you've got a great vet here.  Based on his reaction to the problem,
and the fact that you apparently are confident in his abilities, I wouldn't
By the time Christmas rolls around, Dopey will be back to normal, and ready
to enjoy the holidays.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3270]