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Wed, 29 Nov 2000 08:08:38 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (82 lines)
I wrote: "Actually, it IS possible for responsible small breeders to have
HEALTHIER lines IF they follow lines (including those petted out), take
their time, breed for health and longevity, cull lines with problems, etc.
It CAN be done and is one reason to ask which breeders follow lines and to
get such data from them.  A number have only recently begun to do this;
hopefully, they will keep it up and more will join them."
Seemed obvious to me that I meant healthier than alternative sources by
making their own lines better than the typical (and very possibly better
than they have been if they are in the pack) by following such practises.
Someone didn't get that or read into it.  I don't see quite how, but...
So here's what was meant.
>It has been reported to me that the other shelter said it was to busy to
>help rectify a growing problem in the Nevada area.  Now I don't know(and
>I'll probably get flamed big time for this), but it seems to me that
>something is wrong with this picture.
Not necessarily.  We never know what is happening in someone else's life.
Perhaps there is serious illness among four or two footed family and the
people just can't manage it.  Maybe they don't have the kind of volunteer
network that you do.  Hey, I know what it is like to have someone jump at
me for not doing something while I have had another responsibility that
had to take precedence.  You can't judge the cut or someone else's coat
by how the garment fits on you.
Lise wrote:
>My four month old was barking and lunging and his opponent, while the
>older one made chortling noises and turned his back on my guy.  I don't
>understand this behavior.  What does it mean when a ferret chortles as if
>he is playing but is clearly in "battle"?  Also, what does it mean when
>that smae chortling ferret turns so his back-end is facing his opponent?
Are you sure that both were actually fighting?  Sounds possibly like a
calming older influence to me.  If mock battles then it would be unusual
for an older one to sometimes seek peace and quiet or to force an end to
the wrestling in one way or another.  If not mock, are you sure that you
want a kit to have the upper hand before it learns judgement?  that could
be destabilizing to the business.
Bob wrote:
>Chocolate is dangerous to dogs, but it has not been substantiated
>in ferrets and lots of anecdotal evidence suggests it is harmless.
Important qualifier: it is wise when heart disease is present in them to
avoid it (ditto true licorice, caffeine, and some other things -- anything
that might increase blood pressure or cause rhythm problems or such should
be avoided then unless vet says differently).
>finally, would people who use non-ozone generating air filters let me
>know what models they are using?
Environcaire -- hepafilter and charcoal filter.  Do remember that with
filters like the Environcaire the charcoal filter often has to be replaced
earlier than the hepa filter.  Nothing would help our place right now
short of ripping up the carpet which is likely to happen in Spring now,
but Meeteetse was worth it, incontinence and all.
Before you think of going with an alternative that generates ozone remember
that the stuff does respiratory damage; that's why there are ozone alerts
when it passes safe levels low down.  High in the atmosphere it's great
stuff, of course, but why risk hurting lungs just to have something that
smells a certain way?
>These same people who claim to have been offended, have posted disgusting,
Doesn't a comment like this run the risk of causing people to doubt good
people who haven't and wouldn't do such a thing?  It bothered me that there
are good folks who might face questions that don't fit them at all as
a result of this.  Don't know if anyone did or didn't post such things
elsewhere or was possibly misread as having done so, but know that a number
of wonderful people stepped up about the trash that got posted and that was
beautiful and appropriate for the situation, as was then ending the topic.
Only wanted to remind people that even if someone did do this the others
are sure fine and there are more of them.  Of course, FML folks for the
most part are marvelous people (with Bill Gruber being the best even though
he does get exhausted -- and because he's willing to for all of us).
[Posted in FML issue 3252]