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Sat, 18 Nov 2000 17:31:02 -0800
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Dr. Williams....
It would seem that I need to articulate a wee bit more clearly when I post
>I didn't make that statement,  <snip>
I know you didn't, and I apparently made it sound as if you did.  It was
>>Dr. Williams, this is a real situation out here in the ferret world.
>>More and more, our gentle readers are really starting to question whether
>>or not to vaccinate against distemper out of fear of reaction..even
>>though they know that if their ferret gets distemper, it is 99.9% fatal.
>>As a local vet has stated, we ferret owners are damned if we do, and
>>damned if we don't.  Not a pleasant spot to be in.
>No offense taken to this statement, although your implication that I live
>in an ivory tower (located far away from the "ferret-world") is noted.  I
>have had ferrets for years as members of the family (as many as eight at
>once), and I currently have three (recently adopting two with health
I didn't realize that I was implying you were apart from the ferret
community.  I was just musing that more and more, I hear the negative
opinions about vaccinations and I was just commenting generally that there
is a problem.  It was not directed towards you in any manner.  I really,
REALLY apologize for making it sound as if I was.
Your involvement with ferret owners world wide makes you a very special
person, and although many of us put you in an ivory tower, it is only to
say, you are one of 'us'.  Many professionals really do distance themselves
from the groups that support them, you do not and THAT good sir, is why
ferretdom reserves for you, the best room in the house!
Thank you, from me, and from all who read what you have to say.  (Even if
we do *KNOW* that your ferrets make you do it!  Mine [All paid in full
FLO members] told me so!)
A tip of my ever present cowboy hat your way!
For our ferrets.
MC, The Rude One
(With Snorkle, Tuzigoot, and  Bancho.  In spirit, Bubba, Billy-Bob, and
[Posted in FML issue 3241]