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Tue, 7 Nov 2000 11:20:50 -0500
Amy and Dave Seyler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
Ooooh, I hate to do this, but I've got my flame-retardant clothes on!!
To Gordon, who is concerned with Sandee's diction: Please get a life.
Those of us who have been on the FML for years (like me -- 6+) and who
have lost a fuzzy can appreciate the type of comfort Sandee is trying to
give.  Remember that you can always click down when you see his posts.
>I appreciate posts by anyone, but reasonable diction is preferred.  The
>word 'the' is not spelled 'da' and 'was' is not spelled 'waz'.  Among
>these examples are other gross deflections from reasonable diction in your
>posts.  We are not ignorant people, we are for the most part adult and
>expect others to follow suit in their writing style as well as content.
Please do not include me in your description of "we".  I hate people who
feel the need to speak for me, as if I can't do it for myself.  And I know,
as a journalist and an editor, you would not want me to pick apart the
above paragraph (which I could do, as there are errors in it).
>In your murder of the English language on the FML, you are not humorous,
>entertaining, or adult.  In fact, you insult all of us with expecting us
>to accept such low class writing.
Again, more errors in this paragraph, but I won't point them out.  Sandee
is not trying to be humorous, entertaining or adult in your definition of
the words.  He is trying to give comfort to those who are in pain.  Please
respect that.
>I ask you use a spell checker, get on the same boat as the rest of us.
I would ask you to have an editor look at your writing, as again there
are grammatical and punctuation errors in the above sentence.  My point
is that we ARE human.  We make mistakes and -- as much as you may dislike
it -- like to think of our ferrets as children.  Children have a certain
innocence that we would all be better off for having.  (I know -- I've got
two children under 4.) Sandee is a "child," and thus speaks like one.
While I agree that sometimes that baby talk can get annoying (we've had a
few periods of ferrets "talking" to each other in the past), let's think
about this: do you realize what effort it takes for Sandee's "research
person" to check each FML for those who have passed on; to take in all the
details of those ferrets; and to reassure the grieving parents that their
little ones have arrived at the Bridge safely?
Please try to be respectful of those who have lost little ones in the past,
and let us have our few crumbs of comfort in our darkest hours.  Someday
you may be one of us.
Amy, Dave, Sarah & Paul (and their gaggle of giggling ferrets)
RIP Ian, Elektra, Claudia & Sidney
[Posted in FML issue 3230]