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Wed, 1 Nov 2000 03:47:15 EST
Betty Rebel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi Stephanie... I have ONE word for you... LIBERATE!!!  Obviously the OWNER
doesnt give a rats ass about his pet Or doesnt know how to give a rats
ass about his pet... either way he doesnt deserve to have the company of
this animal... I used to live in Laurel (I was a military wife)... If you
are unable to TAKE the ferret... I would suggest marching to his door and
telling him that he is neglecting his pet and telling him you (I am
assuming you are willing) are willing to take on the responsiblity of his
pet IN your own home... if this does not produce an IMMEDIATE result I
suggest contacting the Animal Welfare Department (whatever its called
there)... I am sure Superpets (I think its on RT 1) will KNOW who you
should contact... You could even try the police (unfortunately, I have
found the police completely UNhelpful in these kinds of situations) if they
cant assist maybe they can tell you who can... I know what the weather is
like, I live in PA... If the situation is as awful as you say... I would
act VERY Quickly!  My husband had a ferret when he was little, he also had
a dog in the house who hated the ferret (keep in mind my husband was 8 at
the time... hehehe... and not my husband...LOL)... anyway he was trying to
protect his little fert and he put her inside the door that leads down to
the basement... it was very cold and she FROZE to death over night.  He
felt awful but he dint know any better... this OWNER should be put in a
filty cage on his balcony for the winter with just a blanket thrown over
the top of the cage...... I am strong believer in making the punishment
FIT the crime!
Dooks, Dance and ... Geeze I think somebody moved summore ferrets into my
living room...
[Posted in FML issue 3224]