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Mon, 23 Oct 2000 15:34:37 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
I am very tired so bear with me.  Am up now to more than jst feeling numb
and trying to smile.  Still mostly numb, but Warp stroked me with her tiny
white paw because I was sad and the others are also being very loving.
Wish Steve could have taken today off form work.  Niether of us had more
than a hour of sleep last night asI am sure you realize form this condition
of the letter.
For those who do not know Meeteetse was an 8 year olf , choclate standard,
Marshall Farm girl (known age within a month of so sicne she came here
as an injured and abused kit).  For some time now she has been battling
probable lympho and a re-occurance of iinsulinoma, with agreat deal of
medical help.  At her half-past midnight medicating Meeteetse began
hypersalivating and there was some blood in it.  At 3:30 she began having
terrriblel pain.  We already kew that there was nothing beyond what had
already been done for her -- that when the pain went out of control this
time that her chances were past.  Even though it was too close we dosed her
again with her Butorphanol (sp?) because we could not stand her hurting.
That actually held her for 4 and 1/2 hours more.  Had to give her one more
dose to make her comfy enough then and then called vet and took her in for
mercy shot.
She never got to use her wheelchair; her nodes never went down enough again
but she loved her sling amde form pantyhose.  We'll keep the wheelchair for
future use but need to learn about it with one of the others.
She played ona nd off right up till late night beofre she died, and cuddled
with the ohter ferets right up till early morning.(Warp was in the room
with her, and she'd been with the others up till soething like 10 p.m..
Meeteetse was named for one of the black-footed ferret kits in Sybille, WY
because when she came here her happy face was almost identical to that of
one of the BBF kits.
Shje had been batterned as a kit by a pet store owner.  She bit, but she
had a reason to bite; a deciduous canine had become caught between two
erupting adult teeth and a painful infection had begun.  They never treated
her, just tried to beat her out of biting.  I got the canine out with
forceps right aaway and we got her to the vet.  He found that she was
border-line hyperthyroid with a zooming heart rate.  At first he was also
worried about her protruding nodes, as were we,, but it turned out to be
her norm.  He was least worried by her infetion and her tail with its
broken bones from battering, though he was concerned.  With her heart rate
everyone thought she'd die young but she fooled the experts.  She never
had a normal rate but she did well and she was awake about 3 times as much
as any of the others.
She never bit again once her mouth was fixed, but she often would hold my
big toe between her teeth if shewanted to tell me that she didn't feel
She was in love with the voice of Rcihard Harris at National Public Radio
and would dance for his voice, then climb up to the speakers and kiss them.
When she got too old to climb she still loved it when he'd be on the radio.
Because of this she was mentioned three times through the years on All
Things Considered and they couldn't have found a sweeter girl to mentin.
For her, begging and playing cute were art forms, and no one everdid a
better job of climbing up patns legs to whisker-tickle her humans behind
their knees.
That's all I can say right now.  We miss her, but mostly we're still pretty
numb.  Could people post fun things?  Gorden helped me with a little smile
todday and I sure could use more right now.
[Posted in FML issue 3215]