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Sat, 7 Oct 2000 19:33:21 EDT
text/plain (40 lines)
Lovely-my ~ 1 year old ferret who was at the ferret show last week- was
crunching his teeth, would not eat, had shiny gold poops, and had lost
weight only 5 days after the show.  I got him to the vets.  She said he was
also slightly dehydrated and would do sub q fluids after x-ray and blood
No fever or blockage on x-ray.  Same vet as Little had last time once again
forgot to take blood after I waited around office for 3 hours to do x-ray
and blood tests.  Also did not sub Q to rehydrate Lovely.  Did not tell
me until late evening when she called my home..  Suddenly he was not
dehydrated so I did not need to worry about that, she says.  (Yes-it IS
scary out there) And this IS an exotic vet.
What can I do about horrible Flagyl??  I asked vet.  She said there was
nothing to do but give it and force it down..  Lovely is taking Flagyl and
Amoxi-.45 cc of each.
He is drooling, fighting, spitting.  I feel just awful. I can't stand
watching me make him suffer like this.
Meanwhile, I see no more clenching and grinding.  Poopies are back to
normal.  He is full of energy and bright eyed.  He is eating just fine
again.  Weight is coming back on since two days after start of meds.
I am coming down with a cold-fighting it pretty well with liquids, rest,
and vitamins.
Maybe he was getting a cold that made him grind his teeth and make sucking
noises for 3 days?
What can I do to stop his misery and still get stuff down him?  I cannot
stop now and have him build up an immunity to these drugs.  I have 10 more
times to give this stuff.
Any ideas to share?
Thank you all !!!
[Posted in FML issue 3199]