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Fri, 6 Oct 2000 10:09:14 -0400
Tammy&Jeff <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
hello all...hugs to all the wonderful ferrets out there.  first, let me
say that jinx HATES taking his medicine.  i have to administer it via
medicine dropper.  if anyone out there can recommend an easier way to
give it, please let me know.......i feel like a big meany mommy when i
give jinx his medicine.....i hate it.
also...does anyone know of a web site that has a picture of the inside
anatomy of a ferret on it?
second...about collars.  i do NOT use them anymore.  i used to have one on
jinx with a bell on it so we knew where he was when we couldnt see him, but
after 2 scares...no more, only when we go out in the world outside of home
does he where one and that is because i am always around and has a hold of
his leash when we are out.  the first scare......i had a collar on jinx
that had some safety elastic on it , the elastic didnt matter.  i left the
room to answer phone, came back and found jinx hanging from my easy chair,
his collar got stuck in an afghan.  second scare...the next collar i had
on jinx was ALL elastic, i heard his little bell(from collar) ringing under
my bed and thought...oh jinx must be playing under there, then all of a
sudden, he darted out from the bed, and ran into the wall, his collar went
all the way down his body and was a little down past his belly......he was
having a fit trying to get it off.......i franticly tried to get it off but
jinx was so frantic himself...he wouldnt keep still to let me help him.  my
husband had to hold him while i took collar off.  those are my reasons for
NO more collars.
take care...tammy and jinx
[Posted in FML issue 3198]