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Thu, 21 Sep 2000 15:01:07 -0600
"Giuliani, Marc" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
I just recently became a member of the FML, after a 1yr absence, and wanted
to say that all the stories I have read about all the little fuzzies that
have gone to the rainbow bridge just breaks my heart.  I had 7 little
fuzzies that owned me last year but 5 of them have passed on to the rainbow
bridge.  Podo(7y/o) had an abdominal tumor that took him, weasel (5y/o) had
adrenal cancer and passed in her sleep, baby(10y/o) lost her battle with
adrenal cancer after a long life of 10 years, Katlin(4y/o) had an accident
and suffocated, and Snow(7y/o), the last guy to pass on had liver cancer
and I had to put him to sleep a couple of weeks ago(I am going today to
pick up his ashes).  Kira(5y/o) and Charlie Brown(6y/o), however, are
still healthy and getting into all kinds of mischief.
I was listening to a song by Harry Chapin called "Dancing Boy" that made me
think of several of my guys that have left this world...you should listen
to it.
I really loved and do love my little critters and just wanted to say to
everyone to enjoy each and every day with those little guys...you never
know when they may go to the rainbow bridge.
Marc Giuliani
[Posted in FML issue 3182]