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Tue, 5 Sep 2000 10:53:10 -0500
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I've had my one ferret for a few years now, and always planned to get
another one when I had the means.  (Also, my boyfriend is moving down here
and we planned to go together to get another.)  She wasn't at all unhappy
being an "only child," and always gets lots of love and attention (and
treats :-).
I was about to leave for a business trip when a desperate neighbor begged
me to take her ferret.  I agreed to find it a good home (intending to ask
the FML and keep her until I found one), and asked a ferretless friend to
watch the new girl until I got home (there were previous arrangements for
my ferret).  I picked up the new ferret a few days ago.  The two beasties
get along (both being previously "only children"), they play and seem to be
enjoying themselves, but aren't super-affectionate yet.  There wouldn't be
a problem keeping them together.
The problem is, I'm not bonding with the new girl.  She's adorable, I like
her and she's a good ferret, but I just don't feel anything towards her
like I do for mine, that deep, instinctual love -- which I felt from the
first moment I saw her.  I'm trying to give the new girl a chance, but I
have the sinking feeling that she'd always just be "the ferret I happened
to get" rather than one that I chose and that chose me.
My ferretless friend took excellent care of her and said that if the two
ferrets didn't get along she'd take the new one for good.  I'm thinking
that should be the way it is; we can get them together for playtimes; and
I'm getting my second ferret in a few months when my boyfriend is here, so
mine will have a playmate here as well (not that she minds being the only
one here).
Somebody please tell me I'm not a bad person for feeling this way.  I
really do want what's best for this little fuzzie, and I know she'd be well
cared for with my friend and my ferret would still see her often.  I just
feel like I'm being heartless for not wanting to keep her.  It's like I
know in my heart she isn't the right ferret for me, and I want her to be
where she's loved immensely and totally cherished, rather than with someone
who likes her, but nothing more.
[Posted in FML issue 3166]