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Mon, 7 Aug 2000 14:14:42 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Sandee, please be on the lookout for a little sable with white paws and
a white spot on the top of his head.  His name is Epsie, and he left us
very suddenly today.  He was doing fine on Saturday but slept all day
yesterday, even when we tried to play with him.  This morning he was
extremely lethargic and we noticed that his front paws were all bruised.
We left him with the vet for antibiotic treatments, and he died there a
few hours later.  The post-mortem showed that he had a severe bacterial
infection which had caused a lot of fluid buildup and done damage to his
internal organs.  We've been carefully watching his playmate, Delta, who
thankfully appears to be feeling fine and eating well.
We brought Delta and Epsie home four years ago when they were just tiny
little things.  Epsie was a gawky little guy back then, with huge white
paws, but after he matured he became quite handsome.  He was such a lovable
shweetie; he was always asking to be picked up, and would often curl up
in bed with us.  He loved life, was full of energy, and was curious about
everything.  When he was younger he would fall off of furniture all the
time in his excitement and would steal food out of of the garbage pail
whenever he got the chance.  He liked all sorts of people food, but his
favorite treats were linatone and soymilk.  When we weren't looking, he
would try to steal whole pieces of bread, crepes, or pizza off of our
plates.  He loved playing tube wars with Delta and going for blankie rides.
He tolerated all sorts of silliness from his humans, like when we would
make him dance or when we would dress him up in scrunchies.
Sandee, please be good to him and introduce him to all the other little
ones.  Tell him that we miss him and will always remember the good times
we had together.  I don't know if Delta knows what's going on yet, but the
two of them were very close; let him know that we will take very good care
of Delta until they are reunited.
[Posted in FML issue 3137]