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Darryl and Meighan <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 03:35:33 -0500
text/plain (46 lines)
>From:    Helen M Wojciechowhsi <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Rescued Female Fert in a ball
>... Sometimes I think before a pet of any kind is adopted the person or
>persons wanting to adopt should have to get a letter of recommendation
>from there Vet.  At least this would say they are responsible for their
>pets.  Not sure how you can do this but it is a thought.
Thanks to all who sent congratulations on "My Weasels are Legal".  I may
have forgotten to mention that we are in Kingsville Ontario Canada.  I had
a few emails asking where we live!  Oops!!
When we began the process of changing the by-law it was for two reasons.
We had both ferrets and an Iguana ( *Lunch* the ig passed away in October )
and we didn't want to risk getting caught and having to get rid of them.
And we wanted to start a shelter/ pet supply store.  The existing by-law
didn't allow for anything "exotic" and if you picked the whole by-law apart
it didn't allow anything other than cats and dogs.  So we started writing
letters and ended up drafting the new by-law.
Now to my point:
The town council was concerned about allowing "exotics" into the town so we
included an "Exotic Pet Permit" in the new by-law.  When you move to town
or purchase a pet that falls under the exotic list you must get your vet
( or any vet ) who is licensed in Canada to fill out a form stating that
you are capable and informed enough to take care of this animal.  Simple
as that.  No charges to you and a bonus is that the Animal Control office
has the means to research any "exotics" that they find to try to locate the
owners.  As well it promotes a better feeling for you when you have proven
to a vet that you have done your research to make every effort to take care
of your new baby.  Better for the animal too.  If you can't prove to the
vet that you're ready you don't get one.
The by-law also includes a list of "traditional pets" animals other than
cats and dogs which have been domesticated for a long time.  This list
includes Ferrets ( so nyah, nyah, nyah to the New York and Californian
Govmt's :) )!!!
I'm sure that there will be those who go around the by-law and never get
caught.  But as a future pet store owner I like the idea that any animals
I adopt out will go to informed homes and hopefully their last home.
Meighan and "The Girls"  Xena and Zora
[Posted in FML issue 3313]