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Wed, 3 Jan 2001 20:39:57 -0800
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Hi to all you fuzzy slaves.  Hope you've all had a warm and fuzzy New Year
and all your babies are healthy and happy.  For those who have lost a baby
or are dealing with illness, our prayers are with you.
The reason I am posting is my vet has asked me to research the internet
for some information on a ferret disease or virus that was brought to her
attention.  Our ferret club president received information about Jen
Morrison's shelter in Logan Utah that received some rescue ferrets who
developed a disease which caused bleeding from the mouth and black, tarry
stools.  I seem to recall reading about it, but can't remember where or
when I saw the illness listed.  The vets there didn't know the cause and
could find no information.  The ferrets were given vitamin K and
antibiotics but many ferrets died anyway.
The disease disappeared but then returned the next fall (at least this
is the info I received).  A pathologist at the Colorado State School of
Veterinary Medicine discovered it was a virus which was spread by contact
with the feces.  The pathologist believed the disease is "out there" but
was misdiagnosed as something else in the past.  The disease is called GER
(gastro esophagus rupture) or GIR (gastro intestinal rupture).
Jen feeds the sick ones with baby food chicken noodle, strained carrots,
and puppy milk.  Tylin for diarrhea, a 1-200 dilution, and injects 0.02
cc/pound every 12 hours.
I don't know that much about all of this, this is the information I have
received.  My vet would like to get any information she can, just in case
this shows up in her practice so she will know what to do for the affected
If there are anyone who has heard of this disease/virus and knows more
about it would you please send me any information you have so I can gather
it for Dr. VanErvin and she can check into it further.  I've tried to
search the archives and the internet, but have found nothing so far.
I will be cross-posting to a couple other lists as we would like to get
anything we can in regards to this disease.
Thanks for any info anyone can help with.
mjo and the zoo, Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine, Bilbo, Frodo, Frito,
Pepper, Caesar and the dogs Garth and Darwin (R.I.P. Nipper, Lightning,
EZ, Cleo, Phantom and Duke)
[Posted in FML issue 3287]