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Tue, 2 Jan 2001 19:27:04 EST
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This is a story of a very special ferret named Garrett.  He came into the
shelter in late summer/fall of 1998 as a result of divorce.  A handsome
dark-eyed white who seemed a bit too tired for his age (3.5 years) and so
we took him to the vet for some testing.  His blood sugar came back too
low for comfort and after two more blood tests with similar results he
was diagnosed with insulinoma.  Because of his age and otherwise healthy
outlook, we decided to do surgery to help increase his quality of life and
a partial pancreototomy was performed, Dr. Hulls removed about 1/3 of his
pancreas.  Unfortunately, the tumors were spread throughout his pancreas
and he was only able to stay off of prednisone for 3 days, but he tolerated
the pred well (we mixed it with ferretone) and was a happy ferret.  He
got along with all the ferrets in my house and could often be found
slip-sliding on the tile (I hate this floor, mom!).
He became Garrett D. Ferret, or Grumpy Garrett as he tolerated no
foolishness from young ferrets - he didn't play at all, and while he could
be usually found ambling through the house, if a ferret began to get too
rough - you would see Garrett chasing him off, head down, grumbling.  He
loved treats and anything he could crawl-in.  A favorite place to go was
under our hearth rug and we could generally find him sleeping there.
As the time wore on, he was diagnosed with adrenals, and then
cardiomyopathy.  We have a series of x-rays a month apart showing his heart
becoming more enlarged, and of his huge spleen.  He continued to struggle
to breathe and we found that he also had asthma.  We found out by accident
that he was allergic to isoflurane one afternoon when the vet was drawing
blood.Twice a year he had a terrible time with allergies and the meds were
added one by one: lupron, enacard, furosemide, theophylline, breathin,
proglycem.  But each time he bounced back to the sweet ferret that he
was and seemed even stronger afterward.  He took his medicines well and
actually looked forward to some of them, enacard especially.  Garrett
became a fixture here at the shelter - and gave kisses to anyone who
would let him.
The vets were constantly amazed at his longevity based on all of his
problems - he had been given a "less than 6 months" prognosis more than a
year ago and he while he wasn't as active as other ferrets he still looked
forward to out time with the big group or the old guy group.  He had the
most unusual way of eating - he licked the food up with his tongue and
I've never seen a ferret eat this way.
Thursday he had a huge seizure - and I really felt that he was going to
leave us - but he pulled through again.  The vet gave me injectible
dexamethasone in case it happened again to help with his blood sugar.  We
had a long talk, Garrett and I - about the bridge, about meeting Ben again,
about being able to be a ferret again - no more meds, no more body that was
failing him.  He is so strong and such a fighter - I wanted to let him know
that it was okay to go, if he had to - that we loved him and wanted to do
what was best for him, no matter what that might be and that sometimes you
can't win the fight, no matter how hard you struggle or how strong the will
to make it is.
Garrett made it to the new millenium - just barely.  He had another seizure
monday morning and no medicines or treatments could bring him back.  For 2
1/2 years, this little ferret fought against a body that failed him - and
he lost the struggle to live on Monday, Jan.  1.  Ernie and I held him as
he left.  He would have been 6 years old in two weeks.  I miss him so
terribly - I can remember the night before he was curled up in a favorite
sleep sack, content to enjoy the warmth of the fire and my arms.  I am very
glad that for what turned out to be his last Christmas, that it was made
more special by his Secret Santa - I must confess to not waiting til 12/25,
but gave him his presents when they arrived.  Thank you Secret Santa - you
made an old before his time ferret so very comfortable.
Run and play Garrett D., for the first time in a long time.  We will see
you again, I promise.  I am very glad that you came into my life - I
learned a lot from you about how to live.  kisses to your cute pink
Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
http: www.ferrethaven.org
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[Posted in FML issue 3286]