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Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:59:28 -0800
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (150 lines)
[Posted in 3 parts... combined into one here.  BIG]
I just read what Sandi Ackerman posted about me.
#1  When Rasta started with these symptoms, I asked Liane and several other
WFA members who a good,experienced, ferret vet was.  I had been going to a
vet that I had problems getting an appointment with because he is so busy,
so I decided to give Dr. Deeb a try.  Rasta was having very runny stools
(almost black), was sleeping alot and had a very bloated tummy.
#2  Having had no direct experience with insulinoma, I did not have a clue
as to what was going on with him.  Dr. Deeb's offices are a very long drive
for me (from south Bellevue).  When I took him there, she examined him,
asked about symptoms, felt his belly and said that he has "irritable bowel
syndrome".  Since I am not a vet, I took her word for it.  She sent him
home with some meds to treat this.
#3  Rasta did not improve after a few days, so I took him in again.  This
was when I had to see a different vet who no longer works there (she was
very nice).  She read what Deeb wrote and decided to do some stool tests.
Nothing abnormal showed up (no strange bacteria,etc..).  Since Rasta was
six (all vets recommend bloodwork at this age), I told her that the stomach
bloat was concerning me and shouldn't a blood test be done to see if he has
kidney failure or something?  She said that we should do x-rays to see if
there was a blockage or obstruction.  Deeb was not in that day and this
vet had over six patients waiting.  She did the x-rays but we had to have
someone come in from outside to read them and determine what could be
wrong.  It took over an hour for this person to show up, so my hubby and I
walked to Burger King and ate.  I suggested we pick up lunch for her, since
she obviously would not get a chance to eat and was scrambling to help all
the patients.  She was doing her best, Deeb was not scheduled to come in.
#4  X-rays were normal and she sent me home with other meds including one
that would hopefully stimulate his appetite (he was not eating).  I tried
the "new advice" but still no improvement.  I could dig through the file
to find out names of meds, but it would be time consuming.
#5  Rasta still did not improve.  I had a huge client meeting so my hubby
took Rasta back up to see Deeb.  I told my husband to insist on a blood
panel.  He did and Dr. Deeb told him that "it is very difficult to get
blood from a ferret".  She felt his abdomen again, and diagnosed the same
treatment as previously.  I was very upset when my hubby returned home
#6  The very next morning, Rasta took a major turn for the worse.  I called
Deeb's office and asked to speak with her, stating it was an emergency
(Rasta was having a seizure).  The receptionist refused to interupt her
(she was performing an exam on a rabbit) was what I was told.  Again I
stated "this is an emergency".  The receptionist then told me that "if it
is an emergency, I should go to an emergency clinic".  I could not believe
that I was being treated this way.  Yes, I certainly could understand if
she was in surgery or involved with a life or death situation, but a
"routine exam"?  I know that if my current vet were seeing a patient for
a "routine exam" and someone called in with an emergency, I would want him
to take the call.  Is that unreasonable?
#7  I ended up taking Rasta to a vet in Kirkland that another FML person
recommended and the first thing he did was a blood panel.  He did not
understand why the vet had not done this and told me that this should have
been part of the first visit to her since Rasta was six years old.  Rasta
almost died.  He was diagnosed with insulinoma and put on pred which
extended his life (not for long enough though).  Every vet I have spoken
with since, has told me that at that age, ferrets are geriatric and that
it is recommended blood work be done every six months, especially if there
are symptoms.
#8  I felt it necessary to contact Deeb and let her know how I was treated,
what the other vet told me, and ask her why she did not do a blood panel.
Her response was "I am glad you got a second opinion".
I had spent well over $300 in her clinic and I asked if she would refund
any of it because I had requested a blood panel and her clinic would not
perform one, instead, putting Rasta on meds that could have cost him his
life.  She misdiagnosed the situation, did not do accurate tests (even
requested ones) and then did not even apologize or admit she made a
mistake.  She would not issue any type of refund.  Simply put, an apology
would have made me less upset, and I would have felt that she had some
compassion for what she did.  She told me that what her receptionist did
was wrong and that she would address the issue.  Did I get an apology for
that?  NO!  This is why I felt that she has a large ego and very little
compassion.  Stating that the receptionist was wrong, is simply displacing
the situation.  I don't care who it was at HER clinic, an apology was in
I also feel that I am entitled to tell others my experience, as you are
entitled to tell yours.  It would be best, though, if you could at least
get the story straight since what you stated had nothing to do with my
situation.  I don't know why Deeb told you these things, perhaps it was a
different patient she was thinking of?  I don't know but I AM TELLING THE
TRUTH on what happened to me.  My husband, my mom and my other vet plus
several previous ferret enthusiasts I associated with at the time, could
tell you the same.  I have NO qualms about spending money on my animals.
I don't pick a vet based on charges, I pick a vet based on experience and
how pleasant they are to deal with.  Fortunately, even though my current
vet made an error, he has more than made up for it, apologized, admitted
error.  He has called to check up on my ferrets from his home, etc... I
feel confident in someone like this who is treating my animals and I with
respect, not making me feel like they are a business trying to make a buck.
Also, Sandi, the vet I went to after Deeb, was not who you refer to as "Dr.
Death".  I am disturbed that you feel you can say rude things about Dr.
Nelson and label him to several people as "Dr. Death", yet you do not
entitle me to tell my story and you make up false information about it.
Did I call Dr. Deeb, "Dr. Death" or any other name?  NO!  Practice what you
preach.  YOU were not present for what happened, so who are you to judge?
Also, the second time I was in Deeb's offices, one of your cohorts dropped
off three ferrets in carriers for shots.  NONE of the carriers had food or
water in them and the vet staff did not have room to unload them into a
larger, clinic cage.  I insisted they give the ferrets water and food after
finding out that they would probably be waiting for shots for over two
hours (because it was so busy with emergencies).  Do you make it a habit to
transport ferrets without food or water?  I was upset to see this, since
you run a shelter.  Then again, you probably wont believe anything I say
since you are such good friends with the vet.  She sees all of your rabbits
and other animals, plus I have heard that Deeb has given you discounts.
Hmmm...who is concerned with money?  Please get your stories straight.
Thank you to the Weezils of Doom for not jumping to conclusions or making
up a different story.  I am not trying to bash anyone, just telling my
experience.  I will be calling Deeb to find out where Sandi got this story
from.  Most likely, Deeb was thinking of another patient and got confused.
If anyone cares to see the charts on file from Rasta, I would be happy
to sign a release enabling people to do so.  Rasta is no longer
here(physically).  Thank you to BIG for allowing people to post both sides.
I just wish that Sandi would post accurate information.  Then again, she is
not at fault if this is the information Deeb told her, which was also an
obvious mistake.  Thank you to all.  I am sorry it escalated to this point
but it is only fair that I get to tell the whole story.  If you feel I am
wrong in being upset, you are certainly entitled.  I don't really have
further concerns, since my ferrets are now seeing such a humane and caring
vet.  I chalk it up to a bad experience.  No vets are perfect but apologies
and admittance of misdiagnosis are very important.  I respect a vet for
stepping up to the plate and doing the right thing.  Unfortunately, certain
vets cannot do this for fear of?  I have no idea, but I am inclined to
think this because others have shared similar stories with me and there
might be fear of court costs?  Small claims court was an option, but I want
Rasta's memory preserved in a positive way.  Money was not the concern here
for me, teaching that vet some etiquette on how to deal with people and
learn from her mistakes was.  I did not pursue it any further.  My hubby is
extremely level-headed and it takes alot to get him upset - she managed to
accomplish this and he was actually considering a lawsuit.  Again, Rasta
is gone and a lawsuit wont change that fact.  I just hope Deeb has learned
something from this experience and nobody ever has to go through the same.
It would certainly be interesting to see how Sandi would feel about her if
this were to happen to one of her "personal" pets.  I appreciate that Deeb
has been good to other patients and I may have caught her on a bad day.
There is NO EXCUSE for her lack of compassion or lack of apology.
[Posted in FML issue 3275]