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Sat, 2 Dec 2000 10:43:04 -0800
text/plain (32 lines)
Good morning all!  I actually wanted to write about something I have
noticed while reading the FML.  I have posted twice about concerns that I
have and have read several FML's.  I have read about any numerous diseases,
symptoms of problems, training issues, ferret math (these are hilarious)
but I have yet to read more then one a week on just the happiness of having
a fuzzbutt in the home.
I realize the thought of losing our carpetsharks is agonizing, the thought
of someone abandoning one of the adorable rascals appaling and the diseases
that rack the fuzzy's body is just a torment to us all.  I understand that
the search for cures in extremely important and I am not saying that we
shouldn't search for them.  I am always in search of ways to better my
beasties lives.  The only reason why I am writing this is because just once
in awhile, I just want to express how much I love my little ones without
an alterior reason to write on the FML.  I want you all to know how much
I appreciate your advise, your caring and support.
I have three adorable wild ones and they have brought joy and caring to
my life.  I lost a human friend very close to me and even when I cried, I
laughed as they ran around the room just looking for something to destroy.
They will come to me out of the blue and give fuzzy kisses or just lay in
my lap as if they understand what I am thinking.  They are my soul
interpreted with four legs and whiskers.....I love them.  More then I can
Anyway just wanted to say thank you to all who are there, my heartfelt
sorrow for those who have lose a fuzzie and my happiness for just having
one of these wonderful creatures in my life.
Cherie, Ramses, Sadie, and Winter.
[Posted in FML issue 3255]