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Mon, 27 Nov 2000 17:38:48 -0600
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Well, I argued with myself over the weekend and today took Pharaoh in to be
put to sleep.  I of course spoiled my sweet kissy boy over the weekend with
licks of yummy stuffs I know he liked.  Why did I decide to do it today?
Well, as I said in my last post he had gained a lot of weight and it was
hard for him to breath well and get around and today he made the little sad
ferret sound several times.  The one they make when they are having bad
dreams or don't feel good.  He passed quietly with me stroking his fur
until well past the point of him leaving.  I told him to look for Frances
(my dad's dog) at Rainbow Bridge and to have fun and that I loved him and
would see him soon.  He is being cremated and I'm sure I will sit holding
his little urn for a long while when it gets here.
Laura, Tavi, Booger, Jasper and Vex  Missing Pharaoh in San Antonio
[Posted in FML issue 3250]