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Sun, 5 Nov 2000 20:57:59 EST
Betty Rebel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi all!
I have a faint memory of somebody on here that runs a shelter/rescue
posting a message a few months ago that they were willing to lower/forego
the adoption fees for FML members... I am NOT writteing to ask if the offer
is still valid... My SO is going to Cleveland to visit family and we were
wondering if you could direct us to the shelter/rescue that made the
offer... I am asking because I think anyone who would forego recouping
money spent on sheltering/surgeries to ensure a ferret gets a wonderful
loving home must truely care about these animals... and in additon to that
I want to say that I am not suggesting that shelters who dont dismiss the
adoption fees dont care about the animals... I KNOW they do and I ALSO
understand the piles of money that go into housing, feeding, and treating
these animals... I just know that there are TONS of reasons to seek out a
ferret shelter and I think the most important one is HOW DO THEY TREAT THE
ANIMALS and why are they a shelter... What I say is ONLY in relationship
to the ferret shelter that made the offer, not because of the offer but
because of the heart behind it.  I do not mean to slight anyone... I know
there are TONS of wonderful shelters/rescues out there... but SO is going
to Cleveland and I believe in the heart behind the shelter so... if you are
the person who runs the shelter and you are one of them nutters that stay
up to get the FML please drop me a line... SO leaves in the morning!
Fanks and Dooks and .... ummm... do all ferrets poop this much?  hehehe
[Posted in FML issue 3228]