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Wed, 1 Nov 2000 10:02:29 -0500
"Long, Katharine" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
Dr. Williams:
I would be interested to know what meds you normally prescribe for ECE.  I
understand that the meds are given prophylactically (except for the pred)
since ECE is a virus.  Right now, I have two suffering from it.  I luckily
caught it very early and haven't had the really severe symptoms others
experience, such as refusal to eat.  Mine have lost weight but their
appetites remain good.  I am giving them soup twice a day, both for weight
gain and to hide their meds.  I am putting additional Pedialyte into their
soup to guard against dehydration though we haven't had that problem either.
My two are taking 1/2ml SMZ/TMP (compounded; don't have the bottle in front
of me to give the strength) twice a day, 1/2ml Metranidazole twice a day,
and 1ml of Kaopectate twice a day.  The SMZ/TMP was added after we settled
on a definite diagnosis of ECE.  From your post, it sounds like we should
put them back on pred.  Cedes was on it initially but was taken off after
the ECE diagnosis (about a week ago).  He was given the pred initially in
an attempt to make a diagnosis.  He has been suffering for about 3 weeks
now.  His stools are now brown, not very well formed, and very seedy.  I
feel like a med change may be in order.  Lany has had symptoms for about 1
week so hasn't been on the meds nearly as long.  She still has some days
with the green, mucousy diarrhea.  Others are more like Cedes.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
And, on another subject, I fully agree with Susann that people should not
be allowed to publicly slander someone else anonymously.  Either reveal
your identity or don't post.  If you're concerned about being sued for
slander, perhaps you should rethink posting.  If you can't fully stand
behind your accusations, don't make them publicly.  If things are as bad
as you claim, send the authorities in.  Most people don't take anonymous
accusations very seriously but it can do a great deal of harm when a few
believe the accusations.
[Posted in FML issue 3224]