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Fri, 20 Oct 2000 17:52:26 -0700
text/plain (43 lines)
Hi all
Things here are kinda statis quo for da time being which is good.
A little girl came in named Buffy.  She waz met by Scooter, Rowdy, Tunny,
Wheeler, Emily and Fruity.  Whew dat was a mouthful.  Everyone waz happy to
see her and she waz greeted warmly.  They were all interested in da news
back home.  They talked for quite some time.  After a while they wondered
around da area showing off all da attractions and making sure Buffy knew
where everything waz.  Then they went over to da Twizzle Tower and started
eating away at it to try and make it unstable and maybe collapse it.  This
seems to be da latest trick.  After a while they did get it wobbleing back
and forth and da next thing you know down it came in a tumble of twizzles
and ferrets.  Buffy said to tell her mommy dat she luved her bunches and to
send some kisses her way.
A little guy named Fritz came in later.  I gave him da tour of da place
and showed him all da attractions.  He waz interested in da Fruit Bar and
went over there and ate quite a bit of it.  Then he wondered over to Dirt
Mountain and waz doing some digging.  He dug and dug and there waz dirt
flying everywhere.  He did not seems to be digging anything in particular,
just digging for da fun of digging.  But after a while he changed and
seemed to be digging a den for himself with a tunnel system attached.  It
all seemed pretty elaborate too.  I asked him what he waz doing at first
and he said he waz chaecking out da material.  Hmm.  Maybe a budiing
engineer.  He said to tell hiz mommy no more pain and to send lots of luv
and hugs.
I always have time to look in on a little one.  I looked up Buster in
da puter and found him over at da Wrestling Matches checking out da
competitionfor future matches.  I sat down to talk to him for a while.
I passed on your message and he said dat he luved and missed you to.  He
said he didn't know if he waz having a wonderful time but da life here is
good and time passes quickly as there is a lot to do.  And it is nice to
have da life of leasure but da hoomans are few and he misses you.  He said
he will be here waiting when you get here and passes on a great big hug.
I am off to grab me a bite to eat.  I have some french fries hid away and
I think it is time to eat some.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3212]