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Mon, 9 Oct 2000 17:50:57 -0500
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I've been waylaid by a couple of heavy papers and a massive oral exam, so
my time has been limited lately.  I only just read this:
Bill Gruber (The BIG Guy) Wrote about Dr. Williams:
>I've decided to handle this by waiving the posting limit for him with the
>following provisions: <snip>
This is probably the single best news I've read in a long time, and Bill
has exceeded the high regard and respect I have held him in for such a long
time.  This was the correct decision and it was the best decision.  Your
pedestal has just grown taller.  Please don't wear shorts.
I don't know Dr. Williams very well; I've only met him once and then his
time was so taken by admiring fans and concerned ferret owners I had scant
time to discuss things with him.  I wish I had a couple of days to ask and
discuss questions with him, but the time wasn't there and it would have
been unfair for me to take more than my fair share.  That is my loss.
However, in another sense, I *DO* know Dr. Williams well and can make
important decisions about his professionalism, dedication to ferrets and
other animals, and his willingness to offer help when asked.  I know
because I have taken the time to look up his work; not just the stuff on
the internet, but also the papers he has published.  And I can tell you
without a doubt that I hold Dr. Williams in the highest regard and trust
anything he has to say.  This doesn't mean I'll follow Dr. Williams (or
ANYONE) blindly; it means I trust his expertise.
I also have the same regard for Dr. Weiss, whom I have never met but whose
work I have read.  And for Dr. Purcell whom I did met and think is a
wonderful person BESIDES having read her work (I highly recommend her new
book).  The same is true of Dr. Kemmerer, whom I have met and whose work
I have read, and for whom I have only the highest regard.  I wish ALL of
these vets had the same exception to the posting rule.  Please?
Which brings up a point.  Why aren't some of these vets posting as much
as before?  Did they suddenly stop loving and caring for ferrets?  Was it
a lack of time?  Or was it that they just didn't think it was worth it
anymore?  I know the answer for the most part (not for everyone, but most).
I don't think Dr. Williams, or any of the other of the vets I have
mentioned, are so small to think a voiced opinion makes them look bad.
BUT I do think list and off-line harassment has taken place in the past
from people who didn't like a particular vet.  To quote a vet "It wasn't
worth the hateful email."
Which brings up a second point; consultation fees.  When a vet posts
medical advice on the FML, for whatever reason, it is a gift of time and
experience, and often not a little research.  Most who post do this in
their off time.  But when you call them on the phone to ask the same
questions, especially if NOT invited or during working hours (which are
surprising long for most vets), it directly costs them money because they
cannot see a client at that time.  This is important because some vets have
to pay for their plant, all the supplies, the people working for them, and
so many other miscellaneous costs that it is amazing if they earn more than
a school teacher in rural Texas.  A 15-30 minute consultation on the phone
might mean people in the waiting room have to wait, or the vet has a harder
time paying their bills.  Remember a vet has to pay ALL their bills before
paying themselves; a single phone call may not have a serious impact, but
dozens of them?  Many times, the person calling has already been given
advice and simply wants confirmation (better done by email), or worse, they
think that they can call and get free advice BEFORE deciding to see a vet
and pay cash.  I support charging consultation fees because I am paying for
the vet's MIND (experiences, knowledge), because my ferrets are worth it,
AND because it weeds out unimportant or self-serving phone calls.
I am not telling people not to ask questions to seek better understanding,
nor am I implying they should blindly follow what any one vet has to say.
All I am saying is, regardless of your personal values or philosophy, we
are all better having vets willing to post answers and opinions than
without them.  It is one thing to ask for clarifications, and another
thing all together to strike out when the answers do not agree with your
personal beliefs.  Moderate yourself and give Bill a better night's sleep.
He deserves it, we deserve it and the vet's deserve it.
Bob C and 15 Mo' Missouri Monkeys
[Posted in FML issue 3201]