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Fri, 6 Oct 2000 01:47:16 -0500
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Dear FML
I wrote early last summer about a bitey ferret that I got from a pet shop.
I am happy to report that "Bitey" is now a complete love.  At the pet shop
he had been kept in a small 20 gallon aquarium filled with wood chips, was
almost full grown, and from his behavior, had been at best, ignored, and
at worst, possibly abused.  The pet shop owner "gave me a deal" by selling
him to me for $25, after telling me that he had bitten a child's face.  I
didn't plan on buying a ferret, I just couldn't walk past that cage and
leave him in there like that.
I was very patient, and I lost a lot of blood.  I just let him know that
no matter how hard he bit me, I would still pick him up, would still walk
barefoot (as is my wont) and would never, hurt him.  I cried, screamed,
swore and picked him up and had nose to nose discussions with him about how
bad that bite he just gave me hurt.  I never teased him, never offered him
opportunities to bite me; i.e. never extended fingers at him, but curled
them back and let him sniff my hand etc.  That's my two cents worth on
biters.  He was a chom- down-and-tear-whil-crying biter, afraid of people,
hands, and noise... and now he loves me, follows me everywhere, and gives
me kisses.  He occasionally puts teeth on me, but never bites down.  O.K.,
there is still one problem area...freshly washed feet...but if they get
bit, that's what I get for letting him near them long enough to decide they
might be yummy.
My questions are these...
1. What is ADV?  For those of us less than well versed in every possible
   life threatening illness that ferrets get, nick names, and acronyms can
   be confusing.  Aleutian Disease Virus?  What is it?  Where can I get a
2. What about healthy, happy ferrets?  What can I do to prevent disease in
   the first place?  I have been told everything from restrict sugar intake
   (raisins, ferret vite), to keep them in the dark.  I would love to hear
   Dr. William's prescription for prevention too!
That's it for me.  I mostly lurk, but skim every day, and read thoroughly
on my days off.  Thank you a million times for writing for us Dr. Williams.
Your posts are excellent.
Dawn, Bitey and Baby...Whatever became of Thelma, Laweasel, Beetle, =
Attica, Samurai, Ziggy and Totiana???
[Posted in FML issue 3198]