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Sun, 1 Oct 2000 07:33:24 -0700
kat parsons <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
hi all!!!
just got back from the chicago show..THAT was quite a trip...drove there
friday...left about noon...eastern time...got there about 7 p.m. their
time...[one hour earlier than us]..so somehow it took us about 8 hours to
get there...should NOT have taken that long!!..LOL...
so we were late...sorry FuzzieDad!!!!...we went out to dinner...and by
then it was quite late and we didn't get to go to Judy's to meet White
Russian...that broke my heart...that was to be the highlight of the trip
for me...Judy...please give him a kiss for me...
got up early saturday morning to get to the show early cause ron was to
show his Dodger and General Havoc...i am DYING to know how they placed...
we had to leave before they were done...hubby had to go to work saturday
any way!!..got to meet lots of wonderful people!!!...someone who just stole
MY heart was Kim Schilling...she is just the cutest little thing!!!.. and
so sweet and funny!!!!...FuzzieDad, ron, surprised me with an autographed
copy of her book...i can not wait to get to it!!!!..thank you ron...:)
Yes...this is me, kat parsons, ferret-a-holic, admitting a HUMAN...NOT a
FERRET!...[although i believe she DOES have ferret blood in her]...stole
my heart at a ferret show... yes..i see you all shaking your head in
absolute dis-belief!!!!...but believe it..she is THAT special!!!
If i start naming those i was fortunate enough to meet...i will forget a
name or two and hurt someone's feelings...so i am just gonna say...i feel
so privileged to have met all of you!!!!!  there was one conspicuous
absence...MILLIE MOORE!!!!...i seem to have missed finding you...!!!
anyway...had a GREAT time there...really a wonderful time!!!!  poor hubby
tho...he had to drive all the way home...left at 6 p.m.  [our time]...got
home at 1 a.m.  [our time]...he took a 15 minute 'nap' then had to go off
to work...[he was supposed to be there at 11 p.m...but told them before
we left that he would be there when he got there...:)]...and will have to
work till 11:30 a.m.  what a wonderful man to do this for me...i am so
blessed...he spoils me ROTTEN!!!...
hugs!!!...i had such a good time!!!!!!
p.s...i got to meet the couple that got my Uh-Oh's brother from Gayle and
Larry @ Kozy Kritters...they seemed like such a nice young couple...i hope
we can remain in contact...Uh-Oh's brother reminded me SO much of Uh-Oh!!!
a slightly different color...but he had the same face...!!!!...Hi, Paul!!!
 ...if you are out there!!!
KITY=^..^=KAT... ( a.k.a. ...FuzzieMom ) and the krew...
Rascal, Sassy, Wolfie, Monkey(Shine), Meeja, Narmy, PopPye, Noodles (Slyk),
Sandi-Mandi, Hope-HollyHeart, Edison!, Lucky, Princess...and Uh-Oh!!!!!
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, OldGuy
The Ferrets' Pages... http://www.geocities.com/ferretlover97
[Posted in FML issue 3192]