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Print Reply
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 11:24:13 EDT
Jessica Brigham <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
A lot of research should be done before you even get a ferret.  Anyone on
the FML could have warned you to stay away from ferrets until after
college...College students are a prime group of people who end up getting
rid of their ferts because of unforeseen costs.
I am 17, and homeschooling my last year of high school.  I have no idea
how I'm going to take care of my ferts properly once I get out and into
college.  I'm already working 19 hours a day between school and a job to
have enough money for my own needs and the needs of the ferts.  THey're
not even old enough to get all those wonderful diseases and problems yet,
either (Which I'm also trying to prepare for...)
If I knew then what I know now, Ferrets would be out of my mind until I
was sure I had enough time and money.  I'll just have to shoulder the
responsibility.  They are NOT going to any shelter or other home.  Just
because I was silly and impulsive doesn't mean that they should get any
less than all that I can give them.  They are teensy souls too.
All I can say is good luck.
[Posted in FML issue 3189]