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Wed, 27 Sep 2000 08:45:59 MDT
Shanna Hiniker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Hello all,
I have a small problem that I thought someone might have some suggestions
on.  I have had my little ferret for a small while now.  I took him to the
vet the first couple of days that I got him and had an overeall health exam
done on him.  I also asked what the prices for vaccinations were going to
be and I was blown away.  It was going to be near $200 (is this a standard
price?).  Now here I am having already paid $120 for my ferret, $100 for my
cage $100 for the vet visit and food, water, toys, collar etc, $300 to be
able to have him in my apartment and $20 each month that I've had him (this
gets added on to my rent.) I love my ferret to pieces, but I just don't
have that extra $200 to spare, I'm scraping as it is.  I have college and
rent and electricity and I'm buckling under all these fees.  I hate to keep
my Ferret from his vaccinations and it worries me every day that he is not
vaccinated and may get sick.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Shanna and Olivur
ps.  To all those who helped me with my ferret potty problems I'm proud to
report that my ferret hasn't had an accident in weeks.  He's doing so well
and things have done a complete 180.  I don't know what I ever did without
him.  Thanks for all your suggestions.
[Posted in FML issue 3188]