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Wed, 20 Sep 2000 13:05:20 -0400
Laura Martinez <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
For those of you who were nice enough to send me notes about my friend
Wendy's ferrets Sashi and Spunky (who was not doing well after her adrenal
removal), I thought an update would be in order.
I heard from Wendy yesterday.  Apparently after I sent everyone's emails to
her, she got one of the vets at her practice to do the H.pylori protocol.
However, that didn't take care of the problem and she approached the other
vet about Florinef/Percorten.  He was not receptive at all, saying that the
mineralcorticoids were only useful when a ferret was "all the way down".
Well, I guess last Sunday Spunky went "all the way down".  Wendy found her
comatose and when she finally came to, she was barely able to walk.  I
think it scared Wendy enough that she finally went to see Dr. Weiss on
Tuesday.  Sure enough, he gave her a Percorten shot and Wendy said Spunky
was eating and drinking up a storm.  So <knock wood> Spunk will continue to
improve under Dr. Weiss's care.  A big thank you to everyone that emailed
me with experiences--I know it saved Spunky's life.
Despite the flash-fryings and squabbles, I think stories like this are
examples of the wonderful things this list can do for ferrets and their
Take care everyone,
Laura Martinez
[Posted in FML issue 3181]