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Tue, 19 Sep 2000 17:44:22 -0700
Paige Townsend <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Great News...
Knuckles is home from his dental surgery!!!  Three weeks ago a starving
ferret with bad teeth, ulcers, dehydration and rearend weakness arrived
on my doorstep as the lastest Ferret Aid Society rescue.
Thanks to everyone's suggestions, sulcrafate, antibiotics and duck soup
Knuckles managed to start on his road to recovery.  He recovered close to
a pound of his body weight and regained use of his back legs.  When he
levelled out on the weight gain we knew it was time to attempt the much
needed dental surgery... Today was the day.
Knuckles ended up having his front canine removed, two smaller teeth and
some of the infected bone chiseled off.  However, he came through the
surgery with flying colours and the prospects look great for a full
recovery.  Already he let me touch his mouth to look at the stitches, a
great improvement as it was a fight to get him to open his mouth prior to
the surgery.
Thanks once again for everyones support, with any luck I will be able to
get Knuckles onto hard food over the next few weeks.  Then we can start
the long hunt to find Knuckles a permanent home and a family that will
love him and never let him be left alone in pain again...
Ferret Aid Society
[Posted in FML issue 3180]