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Tue, 12 Sep 2000 10:58:22 -0700
Randy Horton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
Has anyone heard ever heard of "just say no"!  It applies to drugs and
drug dealers, Prostitution, stolen property, and just about anything
society doesn't like.
I am not here to slam MF, but if anyone doesn't like them for what they do,
How about just saying no.  Without drug users, there would be no pushers.
Everyone keeps buying Marshall Ferrets and complaining about them.  How
about everyone sending this info to Petco HQ.  Everyone!  If they quit
selling ferrets, who is going to replace the markets needs for ferrets?  I
have been approached by someone who wants to quit using Marshall ferrets,
the problem is, I called some of the breeders I know, some of the larger
breeders in this country, and all of them put together can't fill the
orders that are needed to replace Marshall ferrets.
If all of those who don't like Marshall Farms would band together, maybe
some changes for the good would take place.  Until then, we must realize,
that without them, there would be about 200,000 to 250,000 less ferrets
in the world today and you might just be one of those without ferrets.
I am not defending Marshall practices, as a matter of fact, for many years,
I strongly voiced my opinion on their alledged misdeeds and was thrown out
of many pet stores who still remember the crews with the yellow shirts with
ferrets on them.  It has taken us a long time to undo the hard feelings we
generated back then.  We now approach stores that are non-compliant and
have Marshall ferrets with a different and more helpful attitude and we
leave Marshall out of the conversation.  It is better to speak to the boss
and not the employees as they don't get paid enough to listen to us
know-it-alls complain about the way they care for the fuzzies.  Try to be
their friend and understand that most small pet stores really do care about
their animals, they just don't know squat about the ferrets.  Ponder this
for a moment, 90% of the vets in the world don't know anything about
ferrets.  Some can't even tell you the difference between a jill and hobb.
If you ask them about a sprite, they tell you they prefer 7-UP and a kit to
them is something to put your shaving gear in.  I am serious!!!  When you
have as many ferrets surrendered as we do, you will hear it all.  We even
have ferrets come in several times a year that are starving to death
because they have been eating Rabbit food for months.( they had to be
stealing something nutritious somewhere) So be a friend to those who are
doing things you don't agree with, as butting heads with them will only
make them angry at you and accomplish nothing good.
Hugs to all,
[Posted in FML issue 3173]