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Sun, 10 Sep 2000 19:49:19 -0400
text/plain (38 lines)
I just got home from Ferretstock 2000, and I had a GREAT time!  Alicia and
Dino threw a great event, and it was so wonderful to see everyone and
PARTICULARLY all of the wonderful ferrets!
I think my favourite part of the whole event was probably the duck walk.
Participants were given a wooden duck on wheels, with an attached stick
that they pushed to roll the duck forward.  Attached to the ducks' wheels
were little leather/vinyl "webbed feet" which went around and around, and
slapped the floor as the duck rolled forwards.
The object was to see who could do the fastest job of getting his/her
ferret to follow the duck from the start line to the finish line.  Many
ferrets seemed TOTALLY oblivious to the duck feet.  Most of them were only
moderately interested.  Then there was this one little ferret (a girl, I
think), who was just FASCINATED, and followed that duck as fast as her
owner could push it.  Needless to say, she won the race!
There were also some other contests (I enjoyed watching the "tandem
coupler walk", where the owner had to TRY to get two of his/her ferrets to
walk in unison on a coupled leash.  What a hoot!)  The vendors were great..
I bought a BUNCH of beautiful towels with dancing ferret appliques on
them, and some other things.  And everyone was SOOOO nice ... particularly
the people who took my soap class!  ;->  (People made some really
beautiful soaps, too .. I was impressed!)
Thanks to Alicia and Dino and everyone else who made this great event
possible.  I look forward to attending again next year.  (Next year, I
plan to teach a lip balm making class, and maybe a soap class again as
well!  :->)
- Ela
   (000)___(000)        Ela Heyn
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[Posted in FML issue 3171]