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Tue, 5 Sep 2000 12:08:50 -0700
Paige Townsend <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
I would like to thank everyone who responded to my first posting about
Knuckles.  All the suggestions and well wishes were greatly appreciated
and helped so much to get Knuckles to this point.
I know that Knuckles is not out of the woods yet, but he has definetly come
a long way since I last posted about the boy with bad teeth.  One week ago
a ferret came to the Ferret Aid Society, he had rotten teeth, could not use
his back legs, had not eaten properly in 3 weeks, was biting anyone who
came near him and was sleeping in a puddle of his own pee.  Needless to say
FAS took him in immediately and started to help.
After days of antibiotics, sulcrafate and around the clock feeding...
Knuckles gave me the first thing to smile about Friday morning.  When I
went to his cage for morning feeding I found him awake and alert.  He
seemed to be looking around and was finally cognizant of his surroundings.
By Friday night he had managed to pull himself to the litter box to go to
the washroom (don't think he liked the daily baths), on Saturday he was
investigating the tubes in the room by pulling himself around by his front
feet.  Sunday he attempted to stand on his rear feet.  Granted he fell
over constantly but at least he was trying.... Yesterday a mini miracle
happened, Knuckles started walking with all four feet.  He is still wobbly,
but I now believe that this little fighter is going to pull through.
Knuckles is still not eating hard food by himself because of his teeth,
but each day he is getting stronger with duck soup/goo.  If he keeps
progressing at the same rate, hopefully he will be strong enough to
undergo dental surgery in a couple weeks time.
Thanks once again for all your suggestions, and keep Knuckles in your
thoughts for hopes of a full recovery.
Paige Townsend
Ferret Aid Society.
ps. As for his biting, that was due to a ferret being in extreme pain.
Since the first night when FAS took him in, this precious boy has done
nothing but kiss and ask to be cuddled at any possible moment :-)
[Posted in FML issue 3166]