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Fri, 28 Jul 2000 16:30:25 -0400
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
OK... I'm venturing forth from the shadows to ask for help from my fellow
Knoxville Folk.  This is not usually my style but I'm so upset over this I
don't know what else to do.  Today I visited our local "Super" pet store in
Farragut (West End Ave and Kingston Pike).  To my dismay, as on at least
3-4 other occasions, I found the small animals (ferrets, hamsters, gerbils,
mice, rats) kept in aquariums in temperatures of between 90 - 95 degrees.
(They have a thermometer on the back wall of the aquarium in plain site)
The ferrets were stretched out as far as possible with tongues hanging out,
the rats, mice, and even the gerbils were in the same condition.  All were
panting heavily and obviously in some distress.  I talked to the manager
and I was told "They like it that way" and that "the thermometers must be
broken" and (get this one!!) "we receive a complaint about this at least
once every day" (direct quotes here folks!!) Now I have begged and pleaded
several times in the past for them to do something and nothing has been
done.  Today I was standing in the store in tears begging again and was
basically told I was being stupid and they were all fine.  It was bad
enough that one cage of the ferrets had runny, seedy poop in the corner.
I have placed a complaint with the Human Society and Animal Welfare and
supposedly an officer is to go out there and check it out.  I know other
complaints have been filed too regarding their birds and fish.  (thanks to
a chatty dispatch operator) But what I need from anyone in the area to do
is be very selective about with whom you do business.  They obviously don't
care about their animals and I personally won't buy anything from them
EVER again.  I'm willing to drive the hour to the next pet store to get my
supplies.  I know there isn't a lot we can do other than not support them
anymore... my concern is that new ferret (small animal) owners will go in
and think this is ok to "bake" your new ferret because "they like it that
way"!!  Maybe I'm being silly.  I have been accused of being overly
emotional when it comes to animals but this broke my heart today.  If you
could have seen their little faces and their little eyes roll back in their
heads when you tapped on the glass and they tried to look at you.  Please
help me spread the word.  The ferret community is a strong family and you
guys are they only ones I know to turn to now.  Thanks for listening!!  God
Bless the little ones!!
Missy and the TN Brat Pack
Knoxville, TN
PS Before anyone gets all bent out of shape about me posting anonymously
you can contact me at tiggy116 at hotmail...com.  Please realize there are
a few too many ... and at is supposed to be @ in there so I won't be
flooded with spam mail!!  I'm not hiding from this issue.  I have even
agreed to go to court against this if the need be and all the authorities
have my information to get in touch with me.  I'm standing behind what I
believe is right.
[Posted in FML issue 3127]