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Fri, 6 Oct 1989 13:50:26 -0000
"Jonas Flygare" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Ok... I have heard ferrets are quite popular inn the US, so I have
some questions for you proud ferret owners.. :)
I have a neutered male, some 1.5 years old at home.. He likes to play
(includes hiding away wallets, keys, knives, forks, spoons, bags, etc, etc)
and is quite mild in his manners. I have been thinking about getting
another one, but worry about his reaction to a pup. Anyone have help
to offer? Also; I had to leave for a week and a friend offered to care
for the little beast.. And when I got back I was told he had been making
a nuisance of himself, nipping fingers and toes (my friends boyfriend
got "trapped" in the kitchen one day.. The ferret stood in the door and
nipped at the toes as soon as he approached.. :) If I had left him to
complete strangers I could understand his behaviour, but these are people
he knows quite well.. They told me they hadn't dared to pinch him back
when he started playing rough, so I guess he realized he could have it
his way.. Or?
Oh, and do you have suggestions for good ferret toys? My current list
includes cat-toys (fun as long as they move..), empty egg boxes (paper)
and an old shoulder-bag which now is quite chewn up.. :)
Jonas Flygare (aka Flax)        |"2 + 2 = 5 for sufficiently large values
email: [log in to unmask]       | of 2.."
real:  Vaktargatan 32 F:621     |Disclaim? _MY_ opinions doesn't need any
       S-754 22 Uppsala Sweden  |disclamation...
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