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Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:35:24 -0600
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi to all!
I just recently wrote with an introduction.  Now I have a question.
My youngest and newest ferret Chisai bites everyone.  I was told this when
I bought him.  They told me at first that he was 7 weeks old.  Then they
told me later he was 4 weeks old.  He didn't bite me then.  He was the
sweetest, gentlest thing.  That was on the 19 of January.  A few days later
he started biting us all vicously.  We first thought it was just because
he was a baby and didn't know any better.  Now I am wondering if he has
a split personality.  Is this possible?  For days on end he will be the
sweetest thing giving kisses and playing with us.  He never does anything
but play with the other three ferrets, just us.  We can be just sitting
there and he'll just come flying at us and latch on.  We have tried to
scruff him to get him to let go, it doesn't work.  Usually we have to have
another person to get him off the first person.  Usually the second person
gets bit in the process.  He seems to hear and see fine.  So we have ruled
those out.  He always brings blood and usually tears the skin too.  Today I
was moving stuff around the cage and he all of a sudden attacked my finger.
My hubby had to get him off.  Then he jumped down and ran to my teenage
daughter's room jumped on her bad and bit her on the back, when she turned
around he bit her finger too!  He bit my husband in the process of getting
him off my daughter.  Hubby put him in the cage and closed it up.  Later I
went to check on him, and he edged over to me and licked the place he bit
as if to say he was sorry.  He then rolled over and went to sleep.  He is
VERY possessive of food.  But the other three seem to respect this and
leave him alone when he eats.  So, do we for that matter.  He was already
descented and neutered when he got him.  He seems to be healthy and
otherwise happy.  It seems like this malignant side of him lasts about a
day then he'll go for a week or a few days and here he is again.  I keep
thinking that I can "fix" him, as I am the only one that he will let pet
him while he eats and the only one he'll accept treats from without biting
them.  I am now at a loss as to what to do.  Everyone else but me wants
to get rid of him, but I think that there has to be something I can do.
Please if anyone has any suggestions or comments, please respond before he
attacks again..lol.
"Where there is love there is life."
- Mahatma Gandhi
[Posted in FML issue 3338]