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Jennifer Hudson <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 08:14:11 -0400
text/plain (36 lines)
The Mira-thon auctions will be taking a new turn.  I will continue to post
auctions, but the profits will be going into an 'emergency' fund for ferrets
So many times we see the posts about shelters having unexpected emergencies
and needing help because of floods, fires, a sudden surrender of 30
ferrets, an overwhelming number of medical problems, etc.  I would like to
offer some help across the board.  All profits from the auctions will go
into a bank account (I'll be happy to regularly post or distribute the
information regarding auction activity and available funds for everyone
to review), and the money disbursed when emergency situations arise.
I was going to issue donations on a regular basis, but to help everyone,
the donations would be small, so I thought an emergency fund might be a
better avenue.  Also to try to utilize the funds as efficiently as
possible, we can donate items purchased at deep discounted prices (thus a
$25.00 donation may buy $40-50 in supplies).
I wanted to throw this out to everyone for consideration and/or interest.
So everyone has a basis for this - the auctions since starting the end of
June through two weeks ago produced close to $800 in money that was donated
to the benefiting shelter.  So, the potential is there for several hundred
dollars a month in available funds.  This is after all costs of running the
auctions, shipping, purchasing inventory, etc.!
I honestly cannot maintain the pace that the auctions have happened because
I am also posting bedding with a donation of the money going to KiSta.
But, I would place a goal on myself of a minimum $200 profits per month.
Let me know what everyone thinks!!
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 3160]