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Danee DeVore <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 16:02:47 EDT
text/plain (46 lines)
Recently I have not been reading the FML regularly, but I am aware that
someone asked about where ADV is known to be.  I have ADV positive ferrets
and live in Northern VA.  I know that there have been positive ferrets
found in NJ, PA, TX and OH.  I am sure there are more, as well.
I read Judy's post about ADV, and thought it was an excellent one.  There
is one thing I would like to add, though, because I know there are people
that are not getting there ferrets tested yet, because they believe the CEP
test is unreliable.
The CEP test is very accurate at determining which ferrets have been
exposed, and could develop ADV.  It is an antibody test, and is very
accurate.  The problem is that not all ferrets that are exposed and develop
antibodies necessarily become sick.  I do not think that this is a reason
not to test, though.  I would urge everyone that operates a shelter, or
attends shows to test at least a reasonable sampling of your ferrets using
the CEP test.  Any ferret that has the chance of spreading the disease
should not be exposed to other ferrets.  People who never take their
ferrets anywhere except to the vet have less to worry about, but still
should probably test at least some ferrets once.
Currently, we are trying to raise funds for additional research on ADV.  We
hope to have a better test - one that will reflect which ferrets are most
likely to actually get sick - and a vaccine for this disease.  The money is
being raised through the AFA Pamela Slack Memorial Grant Fund.  So far, we
have raised over $2000.00.
Anyone wishing to donate to this fund should visit the AFA website at:
Since there is a General Fund and the ADV Fund, you need to specify that
you want your donation to be for the ADV fund.  The AFA site also has
information about ADV.
People that are interested in learning more about ADV, and what some of us
are doing to help fight it, may want to join the ADV List on egroups.  The
posts to this list can be read online by anyone, and anyone can join and
participate in the list.  If you are interested, go to the following
Best wishes to everyone and their fuzzies.
Danee DeVore
[Posted in FML issue 3173]