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Thu, 7 Dec 2000 01:34:10 -0600
citygirl <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
First--The ferret-sighting or rather ferret in a book.  Gina Kolata has
written a book about the great influenza pandemic of 1918.  In it she
describes the testing of the virus, etc. and vaccines and testing of
ferrets (we all know how prone ferrets are to flu and colds).  While it
is personally repugnant to me to think of little ferrets being used to
test vaccines--there is a reason for it-to save mankind from a deadly
In this book she describes ferrets (in two places) as being ferocious and
vicious mammals (related to weasels).  I feel it was some sort of simple
justice when one researcher with initials of WS caught the flu from a
sneezing sick ferret--they named the strain of flu after the researcher.
What upset me was the fact that she described these little darlings in
such a way.  I know research is needed and no, I dont want to hear any
flames.  Dr Williams is acquainted with research and how it is done.  Its a
blessing that they werent used for frivilous tests such as cosmetics, etc.
Keep flames to selves and they will be blocked with my famous delete key
As to the good news--Sara--my darling girl with the skin tumor is up and
around and nipping as usual--fascination with white socks while on humans'
feet.  In spite of having to be restitched again after she got mad and
ripped her first stitches out, her fur is growing out and she is ornery
as ever.  Thanks to all and Dr. Williams for your kind thoughts.
Igloo, my DEW, is going downhill and towards the bridge.  He is older than
most ferrets and enjoys just laying around in and out of cages and getting
into cabinets.  I will keep him till he passes--and crosses gently over the
bridge as my dear Baby did recently.  One thing with older ferrets is when
they start dying it happens in a row, so there is barely a chance to catch
a breather between them.  But they have an excellent life here and are
spoiled outrageously.
With dooks and love to all ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3260]