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Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:21:58 -0500
Tricia Palmer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hi all.
First, I would like to express my frustration with non ferret people in
general.  Some of them can be SO obtuse.  Case in point:
I work at a Kmart.  Of course, I am always eager to find other wuzzle
luvers in my area, so when someone comes through talking about ferrets,
I usually strike up conversation.  I had these people come thru my line...
talking about their ferret.  I started talking about my critters, and I
happened to mention that my little ones don't like chicken meat.  These
people were HORRIFIED.  They told me that ferrets were wild RODENTS and
that if you fed them meat or meat products it would make them TURN (don't
ask, my best guess is that they meant that the visious, wild RODENTS would
turn even more wild if you let them have any meat).  Naturally I asked them
what they fed their ferret.  They said LETTUCE and BANNANAS.  I seriously
wonder about the human race sometimes.  Ferrets have Sharp pointy teeth
like a cat's, but somehow, they aren't supposed to eat meat?????
Second...on all of this MF stuff...does anyone notice whether or not MF
ferrets experience more health problems than ethically, privately bred,
Last, I want to express my sorrow that so many of us are parted from our
beautiful ferrets to soon.  I know that someday, probably in the next year,
if not sooner, I will lose my beautiful Bella .... and it breaks my heart.
I can only imagine what it will be like when it happens.  But all any of
us can do is hold on, tell them that we love them, and do the best we can
to keep them happy an well.  My sorrow to those that have lost critters.
My thoughts to those with sick critters.  And my crossed fingers to all
of us who have healthy, happy ferrets, and hope to keep them that way for
many years.
and her three girls: Bella, Shirley, and Kayla
PS - if I have in anyway offended someone during this post, I am very
[Posted in FML issue 3250]