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Thu, 23 Nov 2000 22:40:20 -0600
Deborah Walker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
my heart really goes out to you, I know from experience what you are going
through, my last accident via the recliner, we all know the horrors, and my
first ferret, I found after the spin cycle of washing towels, I've NEVER
recovered from the guilt, but am only comforted by the fact that I am not
the only human who've suffered the same mistakes.  I tell people the main
and only real fault with ferret ownership is the tragidy of escape, and
accidental deaths, almost a certainty at some point of ferret ownership,
if you want to allow them any freedom outside of a cage, which of course I
believe is a MUST.  I pray you recieve no evil flames or attacks by your
post, because these things can happen to any of us!!  I was certain the
dreaded recliner accident could never befall my babies, because they were
NEVER allowed on the same floor as the "demon" chair, but a cage not quite
locked, and a door left ajar while everyone slept finally happened.  I want
to burn the damn chair, and am still planning to in spite of my husbands
protests!!  One thing that does help ease my pain, is to adopt or save
another pet, from very bad circumstaces, or the pound, and certain
death.....in the name of my deceased child...it's the only way I can feel
at least, some forgiveness.  Maybe you can call the local pound and let
them know you'd be interested in a ferret and leave your number....they
most certainly euthanize (sp?), at least in my experience, unless they have
a name on a waiting list.....anyway, I've said a prayer for you and your
family in this time of grief, and only hope, I've helped in some way.
[Posted in FML issue 3246]